Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Deep-fried Everything!

Want to know a great way to use up pancake batter?

That's right, batter up everything you can think of and deep fry it!

This will probably be one of the most unhealthiest and crudest things I'll ever do to my food, but you know what, sometimes a girl just needs to have some deep fried goodness in her life! Usually, these deep fried days are spontaneous, where I'm craving lots of fat in my diet.

This all started with a craving for corndogs. I had no cornmeal and was too broke to go out and get some, so I had to be creative. I used the leftover Bratwurst sausages I had, cut them into thirds, skewered them and made mini "corndogs." After making my poor man's version of the corndog, I kind of got excited and used whatever I had in the fridge. I gathered up some mushrooms, and dumplings, impaled them onto skewers, dunked them into pancake batter and fried, fried, fried till they were golden, crispy, and delicious.

NOTE: I didn't have any Mars Bars, or Oreos, but if I had them on hand, I probably would've deep fried those too!

Okay, these don't look very pretty (taken with my Iphone), but like I mentioned earlier, these will probably be the crudest things I'll ever do to my food. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Here's a little snap shot of the inside of the deep fried dumpling, and yes, I did dip these babies into vinegar...*blushes*
My favourite has got to be the deep fried mushrooms due to their juiciness. I'm sorry I didn't get a photo of those! I didn't have this food blog at the time.
Don't have a recipe either, sorry! If anyone wants to try this out, just use a standard pancake recipe, or premade mix.
I'm quite embarassed at how I will throw together some of the most unhealthy meals sometimes...but I did enjoy it, so no regrets!
Come back for more, because next time I'll deep fry pickles, Mars Bars, and Oreos!

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