Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's for Breakfast?

I'm always hoping someone will ask me what my favourite meal of the day is because I am suddenly filled with the excitement of knowing I can elaborate on my passion for breakfast.

I love breakfast. I love sitting down and having breakfast near a window or just somewhere with lots of light. It's a great way to start my day. It's almost meditative since it's the one meal where I can have some quiet time for myself and reflect on how to go about my day or a time where I can simply enjoy my meal.

I never go a day without having breakfast because for one thing, I feel kind of sick when I skip breakfast and then I just starve and feel weak, and tired, and sleepy, and and yeah. I mean, even science says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It boots your metabolism, and having a solid breakfast will reduce your chances of crashing later on in the day, as well as preventing you from giving in to high calorie foods.

I just think breakfast is so versatile. You can literally have whatever you want for breakfast. My favourite kind of breakfast is filled with eggs, toast, beans, potatoes, fruit, pancakes, spinach, jam, hot chocolate, milk, get the idea. Sometimes having leftovers is pretty awesome as well!

I haven't had eggs for a while now because I've been trying to reduce the amount of animal protein I take in to about once a week. This morning I had a craving for eggs, and so eggs I had!

I fried an egg over easy (doesn't look perfect I know), sauteed some mushrroms and spinach with a little bit of lemon juice, cut a slice of Italian rustic bread, a few morsels of goat brie, and dollop of marmalade to finish it off.

Let's just say it was thoroughly enjoyed. I love love LOVE eggs. I guess I'll have to dedicate a future post on eggs...

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